Why You Need a Cast Iron Pan this Christmas.

Christmas time is closing in on us, and the time for giving and receiving is right around the corner. We’re all shopping for presents for our friends and family, and making a list of things we desperately want. If you are looking for major upgrade to your cookware this year, its time to finally invest in one of the most versatile and valuable pieces of kitchen equipment: a Cast Iron Skillet!

Since receiving my first piece of cast iron cookware 2 Christmases ago I have been obsessed. I literally use it on a daily basis to achieve that perfect sear on a steak, get the crispiest skin on Salmon or to develop the perfectly baked Foccacia.

My beloved;)

However useful and durable cast iron cookware can be, it is often the subject of many a myth and rumour which are often not true and cast an air of confusion over the legendary cooking material.

So without further ado, here are the top 3 myths about cast iron, and my argument why this piece of kitchen should be at the top of your Christmas list

Myth #1: Cast iron is hard to maintain

The myth is that cast iron will rust, chip and crack.

NO. Cast iron is one of the most durable and easily maintained pieces of functional kitchen equipment. The pans are built to endure and most come pre-seasoned; how many non-stick pans will last 100+ years? When seasoned appropriately, the thin layers of oil become chemically bonded to the surface and form an impenetrable surface that protect it from rust, metal utensils and form a non-stick surface over time.

Myth #2: Never use soap to clean a cast iron pan

The myth is that soap will entirely strip away the seasoned surface.

YOU CAN USE SOAP. Seasoning your pan properly consists of many thin layers of oil heated until they chemically bond to the surface of the metal. The bonded layers seal the porous surface of the cast iron and prevent any soap residue from remaining on the pan after being rinsed. The seasoning is so strong that only an extended period of time under extreme heat, highly acidic solution or intense scrubbing with an abrasive (such as steel wool) cleaning pad, can remove the coating. So you’re safe with a little bit o’ sudsy stuff 😉

Myth #3: Cast iron is good because it heats so evenly

ACTUALLY NO. Cast iron is actually a very poor conductor of heat, and is one of the LEAST even cooking materials. BUT this is not why you are using it. No, you’re using it because of its Volumetric Heat Capacity….uhhhh what? Basically a fancy way of saying how much heat it can retain. Since cast iron is so heavy and dense, when it heats up to a certain temperature IT STAYS THERE. This ability to hold heat, allows it to deeply sear that steak or crisp that skin like no other cooking material on earth. To combat the hot spots, simply using the cast iron pan on a burner that is the same size as the bottom will ensure much more even cooking.

If you want professional cooking results, a pan that can be used on the stove top and in the oven, and a robust cooking heirloom that will last a life time, then look no further than a cast iron pan. You (or your secret Santa;) can pick a great one up on Amazon for less than $50. Trust me, once this baby is seasoned and you’re cooking up amazing recipes like this Foccacia bread, you’ll thank me and whoever you are cooking for will certainly be thanking you!


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